Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)
Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)

Roman Shade #157 (Birds with Trim)

$ 465.00
You can choose straight across the bottom or as Pictured - Swagged across the bottom
We'll need to make the cord a little longer if over a Sink
This answer will help us in sending the correct hardware
Photos and the names of fabrics correspond.
We do not recommend this Roman to be wider than 38", but if you need wider, we'll make necessary adjustments.
When ordering more than one roman, you may want to add a LABEL., e.g. Bedroom, right window, Sunroom, middle window. This will help us and will help you when you receive them.
Child Encased Safety Cords - These cords are $25.00 per roman extra. To read about these cords or to order these cords, just click this link:
These cords can be ordered on the above link, by " adding to cart ", or will can bill you later. You may be able to save on shipping by ordering them now.
This cord lock and pulley system is an extra $50.00. To read about this system, or to order this system by "adding to cart", just click this link:
You do not have to pay now; we will bill you later if you prefer, in about 3 weeks, however you may save on shipping if you order them now.

2 Choices - Relaxed or Straight across the bottom:

*Lined in Black-out with slats inside, for perfect pleating, if you choose a Regular straight across the bottom roman.

Not recommended for widths wider than 38". If wider than 38", your relaxed roman will look like the photo below, the "swag" in the middle, not being over 38"; still a great relaxed look.

*Lined in Dim-out if Relaxed.

NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT WANT TRIM, tell us so in the "special request" blank, and we'll refund trim cost to you.